Solidworks flow simulation goals
Solidworks flow simulation goals

SOLIDWORKS 2022 Surface Parameter Results Change 4: Copy Probes After finalizing the crop region feature, I can click show, and the surface parameter pressure value will reflect this cropped region. In our case, I want to select about half of the face and adjust my crop region to reflect this. The crop feature allows users to either type in specific coordinate values, or adjust the crop region by clicking on the arrows in the graphical interface. Upon selecting the interior cylinder face, I now have the option in SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation 2022 to crop this region to not include the entire surface. SOLIDWORKS 2022 Surface Parameter Selection I want to look at the pressure on the wall, so I select the pressure parameter. The first step to do this, is to open the surface parameter dialogue and specify the face you wish to monitor in this case I am clicking on the interior surface of this pipe, which has water flowing through it. However, with SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation 2022, users can now crop specified surface or planar selections to obtain a specific parameter.

solidworks flow simulation goals

In previous versions of SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation, the surface selected could not be adjusted dimensionally. This plot allows users to display specific fluid parameters by clicking on a specified surface or plane. SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation has a handy post processing tool called the Surface Parameter plot.

solidworks flow simulation goals

SOLIDWORKS 2022 Transient Explorer Flux Plot Capability Change 3: Crop Surface Parameter Plot For further reference on the transient explorer check out this blog. Through use of the transient explorer, users can adjust the transient explorer slider bar and see what specific heat fluxes are at any specific time.

solidworks flow simulation goals

In SOLIDWORKS 2022, this feature has been updated to allow for easier functionality transient thermal flux plots can now be adjusted utilizing the transient explorer. The flux plot is a very useful thermal plot that can illustrate what heat fluxes are across a model, presented in a nice flow chart. All of this was done without having to re-solve the flow simulation project! Change 2: Transient Explorer Flux Plot After doing this is I go to goal plots in the post processor, and I see the new equation goal I have created: “Post Results”. I then type in whatever equation goal I want, and then name my equation goal as “Post Results”. The process to create an equation goal after an analysis has been run is to first right click on goals and select equation goal. However, in SOLIDWORKS 2022 the equation goal can now be created after the analysis has been run.

solidworks flow simulation goals

This feature is something I utilize all the time to create drag coefficients! In prior versions the equation goal always had to be created before the flow simulation analysis was solved. SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation has had a handy feature called equation goals, which allow the user to utilize input goals or mathematical functions to create advanced goals that are not included in the predefined goal parameters. In this blog I will be highlighting these changes to SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation for SOLIDWORKS 2022. The changes to these features, will make pre and post processing in Flow Simulation easier and quicker to do in SOLIDWORKS 2022. By creating Flow Simulation templates, you can save yourself some time setting up your next Flow Simulation study on any models similar to the one that you saved your template from.With the release of SOLIDWORKS 2022 comes great updates to some key Flow Simulation features. You can save all SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation project data to a template, such as boundary conditions, sources, and goals.

Solidworks flow simulation goals